Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The "D" Factor and People of Color

The skin is the largest organ of the body. Indeed it is the largest sensory recepticle in the body and has countless nerve endings. The skin gives our brain a wealth of information from the natural environment for processing. In fact, there’s so much going on in the skin, we still don’t know all that happens with how it’s able to process touch, temperature etc.
The hair on the skin is basically an antennae that picks up subtle electromagnetic vibrations in the atmosphere making you more sensitive and aware. Not just the hair on the head, but also the hair on your body (here’s the word about shaving the body, legs, pubes etc. which will be left for another debate) The hair and nerve endings start to function when there isn’t anything covering them ie. When you’re naked. The difference is as clear as night and day. One minute you’re in clothes and you feel . . .  bleh. The next minute you take your clothes off and your whole body comes alive and you feel it. It feels great. You feel like a million bucks! Such is the power of the skin when it is allowed to be exposed to the natural environment. However, when these nerve endings and hair are smothered by clothes, they cease to function and go dormant. Clearly the body was meant to function optimally without clothes.

When you are exposed to the sun, your skin will manufacture Vitamin D. we each have cells that, through a chain of reactions starting with conversion of cholesterol in the skin, produce Vitamin D when they are exposed to Ultraviolet rays from the sun.  Vitamin D is needed for bone structure and remodeling. Without sufficient levels of Vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle or misshapen. Vitamin D sufficiency prevents Ricketts in children and Osteomalacia in Adults. Vitamin D also modulates cell growth, Neuromuscular and Immune functions and works to reduce inflammation. Vitamin D also regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. Clearly there are a lot of things that Vitamin D is used for in the body.

Our body has designed a simple, efficient and easy way to get the required amounts of the life - giving and health – enhancing “D” factor, Vitamin D in our body. . .get naked in the Sun. Black people are children of the Sun and have a deep connection with mother Earth. In the Bodies of People of Color, there are Trillions of nerve endings fired up and interacting with Melanin. We have hair connecting to the environment granting us deep awareness and sensitivity and again there’s Vitamin D synthesis combining with melanin to produce superior bodies and higher states of consciousness.
It is easy to see that everyone can have these reactions in their bodies when their clothes are off, however, when darker skinned persons are naturally able to bring melanin into their bodies, the results are deeper and more profound. A Melanin rich body is a body that is well primed for physical and spiritual evolution.
Dale Harrison

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