Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Black Nudism in the 21st Century

The perversion that has come with black persons showing their skin is a European standard stemming from European religious ideals inculcated into western culture over the past few centuries. However, in historical African cultures, devoid of European influence, Black people wore little or no clothing. The idea of associating  nudity with uncivilized savages in the jungle is also a European construct. It’s an interesting point because the modern naturist movement was started in Europe. How the tables have turned.

Other than wanting to be cooler in the warmer climates of the African continent, going clothes free offered the African the opportunity to breathe with the skin. It is well known in modern day naturist communities that when you are naked, the millions (actually trillions) of nerve endings on the skin that are dormant under clothes, come alive and start functioning.
This makes one able to feel their surrounding environment and become one with it. For the ancient African, this physical connection with nature was like a sixth sense. Enabling them to be as one with the surrounding flora and fauna. Having a clear telepathic connection with the animals and the surrounding landscape was a common experience for the African who practiced nudity. It enabled them to “hear” with the whole body and not just the ears and the head.

The presence of high amounts of Melanin in the bodies of dark skinned persons is one of the highest gifts and blessings that they can have. Melanin is the wonder drug that has been systematically bypassed and overlooked by modern science. Melanin chemically reacts with the sun to produce highly resonant states in the body of it’s bearer. The more of it you have, the more resplendent, lustrous and magnificent you are…naturally. Melanin comes alive with the sun.
In outdoor areas, the more of the skin (which has the most amounts of melanin in the body) that is allowed to come in contact with the sun, thus allowing the sun to charge this super enzyme, the more one is open to receiving it benefits which are heightened awareness, improved bodily functions, mental acuity, and spiritual fortitude.
It stands to reason therefore that being naked in nature is the super drug for persons of African Descent. Obviously, all persons can and will benefit from naked time spent in nature, but persons endowed with ample amounts of melanin have the intrinsic internal mechanisms to reap the full benefits of the experience.
Why should 21st Century modern, educated, skilled and upwardly mobile Persons of Color walk naked in nature? Because we have centuries of lost time to catch up on! The melanin in our bodies has been dormant waiting on it’s bearers to gain the required consciousness to activate it. All activities that are done will be enhanced when the melanin in the body comes into play. All events heightened, all enterprises enriched.
For example, are you studying for the bar? Activated melanin will increase your chances of success. And if you’ve been operating in the legal field for a few years and there’s a feeling welling up inside you that you need to change your occupation in order to move closer to your life purpose, activated melanin will bring you closer to your correct life decision.
So yes, modern People of Color ought to and need to foster the relationship of their bodies and the ecology for the betterment of their minds, bodies, hearts and souls.

Dale Harrison
June 9, 2020

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